Saver’s Fundraiser

Kiwanis members started saving bags of clothes at the beginning of 2021. The clothes had to be in good shape so they could be put up for sale. Savers in Ellisville accepts these bags of clothing and after weighing the bags will send us a check. We were able to accumulate 180 bags. Way to Go CWS Kiwanis members!!! Again members saved up clothing and collected more for a successful Savers Fundraiser in May 2022. This is an easy way to keep our funds flowing in….Yay! So each year we collect clothing and earn more funds to help us serve in the community and give back.

2021…our crew ready to go
Go Mary!!!!
Ed emptying the trailer
We were still wearing masks at this point, but that didn’t stop us.
Go CWS Kiwanis Members!
Linda moving those bags around….
Martha, Ed, Diana and Anthony
May 2022 – Here we are again at Savers in front of some of the Bags of clothing we collected.
Ed & Martha pick up bags to store during the year.
