Our Stories of Service…

Kiwanis Terrific Kids Sponsor

Students receive certificates, pens, stickers and coupons! Teachers select students from their classrooms to be honored and our members honor student achievement through their deeds and actions at school. We are currently sponsoring the following Kiwanis Terrific Kids at –

Francis Howell Castlio Elementary School

Our Clubs Service Projects Also Include:

Luke’s Laundry– CWS Kiwanis members put up a book shelf in this St Peters Laundromat and continually restock the books there so people doing their laundry have something good to read.

Members by our bookshelf
Sorting our donated books for the bookshelf

Kiwanis One Day – In the Fall, all Kiwanis Clubs look for a project in the community such as, cleaning windows, picking up trash, painting fences or houses, etc. Making a difference in the community. That’s what it’s about!

FISH of St Charles County – Donations of food and money come from our club to support this organization the serves the needy

Calvary Church Food Pantry – Donations of food and money come from our club to support this food pantry.

Youth In Need – Our members have volunteered to help at their Golf Tournament and preparing for their Gala.

Food For Backpacks (Emmanuel United Church-Christ) – Each year the CWS Kiwanis Club donates money to help this church provide food in backpacks to schools in the area.

Bean Bag Toss

Food Truck Frolic – CWS Kiwanis members had a booth at this event several times. We made puppets with children at one event and had an interactive sports-type of booth another time.

Members created fun activities for children……

Making Puppets
Tent at Food Frolic – Puppet making