Mental Health Awareness Expo

CWS Kiwanis members set up a table at the Mental Health Awareness Expo with the O’Fallon Kiwanis Club at the Mid Rivers Mall in St. Peters in July 2022 and July 2023. Volunteering helps not only people and organizations in the community. It also helps the person who is volunteering….giving them a purpose and self-worth. Our Kiwanis Club supports youth in high school, middle school and elementary school. Below is a picture of our members at the Expo.

Club members set up this information table of Kiwanis brochures.
2022 – Diana Tucker worked a shift at the
Mental Health Awareness Expo.

2022 – Brian Mack talked to people about Kiwanis
2022 Expo -Karen Grant & Mary Vaughan worked together at the Expo telling people about Kiwanis.
2023- This is our Kiwanis-opoly Game to help people understand what Kiwanis is all about.
2022 – Ed Radginski set up the display and worked with Martha Radginski at the Expo.

2023 Tom Page (O’Fallon Kiwanis) throws the dice to play Kiwanis-opoly

2023 – Ed Radginski plays Kiwanis-opoly. Club members gave out candy to those playing the game!
